I bit the bullet a tonight and actually committed to at least trying to build and R2D2 Astromech Droid. Really until the cash is laid out, one can talk about building droids and being interested in them all they want. Now there is no turning back.
My commitment started with the purchase of 300mm Cole Horton aluminum 2-layer R2 dome complete kit (it apparently has been sanded but needs more work, and the panels are cut out) and the Rockler bearing (makes R2's head swivel).
The Dome I purchased is to the left. The bearing is below on top of a PVC reinforced tube which I considered purchasing, but after talking to PixelFiend and Tom Dunlap, and looking at the blueprints, I decided to build the frame out of wood I have around the farm to cut costs.

Just to give you and idea of how quickly costs can mount, I spent a half of grand on the aforementioned parts, and that is a good deal. 8-O
So what made me want to build the dang thing anyway? I blame Ed who I met at Shore Leave 31 and then the following year at Shore Leave 32. Both years I interviewed Ed for a podcast I run called
The SciFi Diner Podcast. This year, however, after the interview, we sat and chatted for a good hour about his process of making his droid, what went into it, and ideas and pitfalls.
(BTW you can find that interview here.) That got me thinking.
I was kind of looking for a project I could do with my kids, and this seemed like the perfect project that not only feed my geekiness, but also with the potential for all of us to learn together.
The next step for me was to join Astromech.net and browse around the forums, the Wiki, etc. I bit overwhelming since there was so much information! After allowing that overwhelmed feeling to pass through me, I began looking for a place to start. Many were saying start with the head or

the body. This seemed like a good idea. I mean, can you imagine R2's head just staring back at you? Seems like a good motivator for getting the rest of the body done.
After introducing myself to the club, Greg (AKA PixelFiend) contacted me and said that he was probably one of the closest droid builders near me, and invited me down. So yesterday, I along my two children, took a trip down to his house to see R2D2. I was glad I did. I walked away with a lot of practical advice.
Well, it is late and I am tired. I will dwell more on what I have gotten myself into tomorrow.